The 11 federally-recognized american indian nations in wisconsin

The 11 federally-recognized american indian nations in wisconsin

American Indian Studies & Wisconsin Act 31 (PDF of PowerPoint)
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

American Indian Studies Program
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Calculating Risk Ratio
Wisconsin PBIS Network

Colorin' Colorado
A bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners

D.C. Everest Area Schools Oral History Program

Disrupting Inequity: Having Brave Conversations About Bias
Unbounded Toolkit

Diversity Dictionary | University of Baltimore

The Education Trust
The Education Trust is an advocate for students and is dedicated to closing the achievement gap.

Great Lakes Equity Center

Great Lakes Tribes, circa 1600Great Lakes History: A General Overview

Great Lakes Tribes, circa 1600
Great Lakes History: A General Overview

Indians of the Midwest
Learn about Native American populations in the Midwest. Includes photographs, audio and visual media.

International Children's Digital Library
An excellent resource for educators and families; this free online library is a place where children can explore literature from around the world.

International Journal of Multicultural Education (IHME)
IJME is a peer-reviewed open-access journal for scholars, practitioners, and students of multicultural education. 

Making Every Body Count: Multicultural Teaching and Autobiographical Journals
Joan Gabriele, University of Colorado, Boulder

The Metropolitan Center on Research and Equity and the Transformation of Schools

MSAN Monthly April Resource Guide Sample (2017)
Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN)

Multicultural Education Internet Resource Guide
A resource for educators providing links to multicultural education websites.

Native Words, Native Warriors
National Museum of the American Indian

RACE - Are We So Different?

Racial Justice Resources
YWCA Madison

Resources for Preventing Dropout and Promoting Graduation
Department of Public Instruction

Technical Assistance Center on Disproportionality at the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
Through the New York State Education Department Office of Special Education

The Veterans History Project
(Library of Congress)

The Ways
Resource for building an understanding of Native culture and language.

Wisconsin Biographies
Wisconsin Biographies is a social studies and English language arts resource that teaches about Wisconsin history through the use of biographies. Included are animations, leveled books, image galleries, and two online activities. These materials and more are available for free on this site.

Wisconsin Historical Society Press