Research, Papers, and Literature Reviews
Achievement Gap Patterns of Grade 8 American Indian and Alaska Native Students in Reading and Mathematics
Institute of Edcuation Sciences
American Indian and Alaska Native Young Children: Findings from the ECLS-K and ECLS-B Baseline Data
This brief presents selected findings from a rural analysis of the Kindergarten and Birth Cohorts of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) by the National Center for Rural Early Childhood Learning Initiatives in collaboration with Child Trends.
Rural Early Childhood Brief
American Indian Education: The Role of Tribal Education Departments
This project was conducted for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) by Regional Education Laboratory Central administered by Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning.
Building from Within: Improving the Skills and Credentials of Migrant, Seasonal and American Indian/Alaska Native Head Start Teachers
Sean Cavanagh and Arati Singh
Closing the Achievement Gap through Modification of Neurocognitive and Neuroendocrine Function: Results from a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of an Innovative Approach to the Education of Children in Kindergarten (2014)
Advances in neuroscience suggest that a focus on self-regulation in education can enhance children’s engagement in learning and establish beneficial academic trajectories in the early elementary grades. This study experimentally evaluated an innovative approach to the education of children in kindergarten that embeds support for self-regulation, particularly executive functions, into literacy, mathematics, and science learning activities.
Clancy Blair and C. Cybele Raver
Compilation of Abstracts - Effective Teaching of American Indian Students: A Preliminary Response
The Regional Educational Laboratory for the Central Region
Cultivated Ground: Effective Teaching Practices for Native Students in a Public High School
This project was to assess the effective teaching practices being used in one or more superiorly performing United States public high schools that had a high number of American Indian/Alaskan Native students.
Harvard University | Brittany Dorer and Anna Fetter
Culturally Relevant Classroom Management Strategies for American Indian Students
This study contrasted the perspectives of families of American Indian students on discipline issues to the typical classroom management practices of K-12 schools on two rural reservations.
Helen Hammond | University of Texas at El Paso
Culturally Responsive Instruction for English Language Learners With Learning Disabilities (2014)
This case study describes the culturally responsive instruction of one special education teacher with Latino English language learners (ELLs) with learning disabilities in an urban elementary school setting.
Michael John Orosco, PhD and Rollanda O'Connor, PhD
Culturally Responsive Teaching Efficacy Beliefs of In-Service Special Education Teachers (2014)
This descriptive, correlational survey research was conducted to investigate the influence of selected personal and professional variables on special educators’ culturally responsive teaching efficacy for serving exceptional students.
Szu-Yin Chu, PhD and Shernaz Garcia, PhD
Developments in Elementary Students' Knowledge About and Empathy with Native Americans
This paper summarizes responses of students in kindergarten and grades 1, 2, 4, and 5 to questions about Native Americans. The paper draws on findings from two studies, both done in a suburban school system deemed "average" on a variety of educational and socioeconomic indicators.
Michigan State University | Jere Brophy
The Effect of Community Linguistic Isolation on Language-Minority Student Achievement in High School (2014)
Research on language-minority student outcomes has revealed sizeable and persistent achievement gaps. The reasons for these gaps are often closely linked with other factors related to underperformance, including generational status, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Using sociocultural second-language acquisition theories and community linguistic capital as a theoretical frame, this study builds upon the extant literature to examine the relationship between community linguistic isolation and language-minority 10th-grade student achievement outcomes.
Timothy Arthur Drake
Effective Standards-Based Practices for Native American Students: A Review of Research Literature
This report reviews education programs and practices that have improved Native American student achievement in English language arts and mathematics.
Helen S. Apthorp, Elaine DeBassige and Amy Richardson
An Examination of Western Influences on Indigenous Language Teaching
This paper examines how various "Western" approaches to teaching languages are influencing how Indigenous languages are currently being taught.
Dean J. Mellow
Examining American Indians' Recall of Cultural Inclusion in School
This research examined American Indians' recall of cultural inclusion from their elementary though high school education.
Scott Freng, Adrienne Freng, and Helen Moore
Exploring Achievement: Factors Affecting Native American College Student Success
The purpose of this research was to explore factors that affect Native American student success in post-secondary education.
Heather Crosby | Texas State University
For This Place, for These People: An Exploration of Best Practices Among Charter Schools Serving Native Students
Native American students have historically been under-served by our nation's public schools, but research shows that the incorporation of cultural content into the curriculum can have a promising impact on student academic success.
Eve L. Ewing and Meaghan E. Ferrick | Harvard University
Guidelines for Strengthening Indigenous Languages
These guidelines aim to provide assistance to the local language advisory committees created under Senate Bill 103, that are responsible for making recommendations about the future of the heritage language in their Alaskan communities.
University of Alaska | Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Holding a Mirror to "Eyes Wide Shut": The Role of Native Cultures and Languages in the Education of American Indian Students
This paper discusses the role that culture and language can play in American Indian education, as well as some challenges of incorporating culture in education.
Office of Educational Research and Improvement | Tarajean Yazzie
Improving Academic Performance Among Native American Students: A Review of the Research Literature
This literature review examines research-based information on educational approaches and program associated with improving the academic performance of Native American students.
William G. Demmert, Jr.
In Collision with the Iceberg Called Culture
Research on the influence of intercultural communication competence, language and culture on the success of Dutch expatriates in France and Great Britain
University of Oxford | M.S. van Bakel
Language Planning Challenges and Prospects in Native American Communities and Schools
This policy brief addresses the dual challenges facing Native American communities in their language planning and policy (LPP) efforts: maintaining heritage/community languages, and providing culturally responsive and empowering education.
Arizona State University | Mary Eunice Romero Little and Teresa L. McCarty
Meeting the Needs of American Indian/Native American Students
The Midwest REL conducted a search for research reports as well as descriptive and policy-oriented briefs and articles on improving academic outcomes for AI students. The sources searched included federally funded organizations, additional research institutions, several educational research databases, and a general Internet search using Google and other search engines.
Midwest Regional Educational Laboratory
Models of American Indian Education: Cultural Inclusion and the Family/Community/School Linkage
Educational research has explored the impact of culture and the linkage of families and communities to schools on student achievement among minority students. Little focus, however, has been placed on the family/community interactions with schools among culturally distinctive populations such as American Indians and students'perceptions of the educational process. This exploratory research examined the state of education from the perspective of American Indian young adults from various tribes in Nebraska.
University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Sociology Department | A. Freng, S. Freng & H. Moore
Moving Toward a Classroom Inclusion Model
Greyhills Academy High School in Tuba City (Arizona) is a federally funded tribal-grant boarding school operated by the Navajo Nation. The Exceptional Student Services (ESS) department and the regular education department work together to include students with disabilities in general education classrooms to the maximum extent possible.
Rachel Carney, Bessie Horseherder, Judith Littlefox, Roger Trujillo, Ylandra Wimmer & Gregory Prater
National Indian Education Study
The National Indian Education Study (NIES) is designed to describe the condition of education for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students in the United States. The study provides educators, policymakers, and the public with information about the academic performance in reading and mathematics of AI/AN fourth- and eighth-graders as well as their exposure to Native American culture.
Native American Language Immersion: Innovative Native Education for Children & Families
Native American language immersion schools and projects are the focus of this study. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation supported this analysis, to describe and analyze this innovative Native Education for children and families.
Janine Pease-Pretty on Top | American Indian College Fund
Partnerships Between Tribal Education Departments and Local Education Agencies
This report examines nine partnerships between tribal education departments—organizations overseeing American Indian education—and local education agencies. Individual profiles describe how each partnership works, focusing on collaborative activities intended to improve education outcomes for American Indian students.
Proceedings of the Rural Early Childhood Forum on American Indian and Alaska Native Early Learning, July 28-29, 2005, Little Rock, AR
Participants in this forum were invited to revisit the American Indian and Alaska Native Education Research Agenda that was prepared in response to President Clinton’s 1998 White House Executive Order 13096 on Indian Education. Their aim was twofold: first, to assess the current state of rural Indian early childhood education, with an emphasis on the years prior to formal school entry, as well as educational leadership as it pertains to rural Indian early childhood education; and second, to discuss how research might be initiated that would help to fulfill the goals of the research agenda.
Elizabeth F. Shores, Ed. | National Center for Rural Early Childhood Learning Initatives
Returning to the Reservation: Experiences of a First Year Native American Teacher
A case study of the experiences of a Native American teacher during his first year of teaching examined the transition from the idealistic world of college to the start realities of actual teaching.
Northern Arizona University | MaryJane W. Blasi
The Role of Native Languages and Cultures in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Student Achievement
This policy brief and its accompanying review of the literature examines evidence from empirical research on the role and impact of Native languages and cultural content in the schooling of American Indian (AI), Alaska Native (AN), and Native Hawaiian (NH) students.
Arizona State University | Teresa L. McCarty
The Role of Tribal Languages and Cultures in American Indian Education
UW-Madison | Sasanehsaeh “Suzi” Pyawasay (Menominee)
School Psychologists Working with Native American Youth: Training, Competence, and Needs
The authors analyzed responses of school psychologists to a national survey regarding their competence gained in training, in current practice, and that needed for effective work with Native Americans. Respondents reported significant underpreparation in training and inadequate preparation for competent practice. Both ethnicity and length of experience with the population yielded significant differences in perceived levels of competence.
Carol Robinson-Zañartu, Nola Butler-Byrd, Valerie Cook-Morales, Paul Dauphinais, Elvina Charley and Mike Bonner
Social and Emotional Distress among American Indian and Alaska Native Students: Research Findings
Many American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth are repeatedly exposed to opportunities to participate in self destructive and illegal behaviors. This study examines risk factors associated with the four contexts within which AI/AN students grow and develop: peer groups, families, schools, and communities.
Ardy SixKiller Clarke
State of the Field: The Role of Native Languages and Cultures in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Student Achievement
This paper examines evidence from empirical research on the role and impact of Native languages and cultural content in the schooling of American Indian (AI), Alaska Native (AN), and Native Hawaiian (NH) students.
Threat in Context: School Moderation of the Impact of Social Identity Threat on Racial/Ethnic Achievement Gaps (2014)
Schools with very few and relatively low-performing marginalized students may be most likely to trigger
social identity threats (including stereotype threats) that contribute to racial disparities. This study tests this hypothesis by assessing variation in the benefits of a self-affirmation intervention designed to counteract social identity threat in a randomized trial in all 11 middle schools in Madison, Wisconsin.
Paul Hanselman, Sarah K. Bruch, Adam Gamoran, and Geoffrey D. Borman
Traditional Culture and Academic Success among American Indian Children in the Upper Midwest
This research examines factors affecting school success for a sample of 196 fifth-eighth grade American Indian children from three reservations in the upper Midwest. The regression model included age, gender, family structure, parent occupation and income, maternal warmth, extracurricular activities, enculturation, and self-esteem.
Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, Jerry D. Stubben and Teresa LaFromboise
Views and Perspectives of Native Educational Success: A National Survey of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Others Associated with Indian Education
The purpose of this multi-phase research project was to examine the experience of educational success for Native students and to identify indicators associated with Native student success.
Ella Inglebret, Rose L. Krebill-Prather