About the Series

Wisconsin has repeatedly ranked the worst or one of the worst states for Black, Brown and Indigenous students. A recent publication by COWS: Race in the Heartland highlights the "extreme racial disparities" observed in Wisconsin. OUR CHILDREN DESERVE BETTER!

The Network has identified local and national content experts knowledgeable in navigating our current racialized landscape from a place of strength and resilience. A cadre of authors, professors, practitioners, and community leaders have been invited to share their wisdom with Wisconsin educators as part of this Educational Equity Virtual Leadership Series.

Morning and afternoon sessions will offer a unique line-up of presenters. Each offering will be delivered through a virtual platform, with opportunities for discussion and resources. This series is tailored to increase capacity for racial equity leadership among our Wisconsin educators. Our students and families deserve a state where we all belong!!

The speakers for this series will provide learning opportunities around educational equity and justice from each of their unique perspectives. Presentation lengths may vary within the morning and afternoon sessions depending on content and availability.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of participating in these virtual sessions, attendees will:

  • increase racial literacy relevant to the students and families they serve,

  • explore how racism impacts our relationships with each other and with institutions and how societal practices affect our schools and educational system, and

  • engage in learning opportunities that address disparities affecting historically marginalized groups.

Target Audience

  • Wisconsin educators at ALL levels

  • Youth workers

  • Parents

  • Community Members

  • Faith-based personnel

  • Business professionals

Training Format


American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters will be available during each of the sessions.

These sessions will be facilitated online using the Zoom cloud video conferencing platform.

Sutra will also be used to create an online learning experience that fosters a safe space for engagement, sharing, and meaningful conversation.

Cost and Registration

There is NO registration fee to participate in these virtual sessions offered by The Network. A scholarship, funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), has been applied to the administrative and instructional fees.

Pre-registration, with a valid email address, is required. The email address provided will be used to send confirmation notices, reminders, and will be used for an invitation to Sutra to allow for participation in further learning activities and sharing of resources.


Angie June 2020 (web).jpg

Angie Balfe, Grant Manager

Disproportionality Technical Assistance Network
Phone: (608) 261-6320 or [email protected]