The Equity Advisory Workgroup is composed of members from multiple departments and partner agencies who support and advise The Network on the Educational Equity Leadership Series, programming, and other equity-related initiatives. The group meets monthly to share to connect, learn and enhance the equity work of the Department.

Equity Advisory Workgroup
  • Top Row: Mark Pioli (DPI - SPED), ananda mirilli (DPI - SPED), Joseph Kanke (CESA 2), Melissa Kahn (DPI - SPED), Loretta Gross (DPI - Gear Up)

  • Second Row: Chandar Robertson (DPI - Gear Up), La Tasha Fields (RtI Center), Chrissy Thuli (DPI - Title I), Angie Balfe (CESA 5), Tacara Lovings (DPI - SSPW)

  • Third Row: Seth Bishop (DPI - SPED), Shavana Talbert (RtI Center), Mark Schwingle (DPI - T&L), Molly Herrmann (DPI - SSPW), Jeremiah Jackson (DPI - SPED)

  • Bottom Row: Scott Brown (CESA 2), Stacy Broach (DPI - Title I), Amy Bethel (DPI - Title I), Kamewanukiw Paula Rabideaux (RtI Center)

  • Not pictured: Future Cain (CESA 4), Maria Rivera (DPI - HR), Cynthia Hoffman (DPI), Mai Choua Thao (DPI - SPED), Alicia Reinhard (DPI - SPED), Andrea Bertone (DPI - SPED), Rachel Fregien (DPI - SPED), Shay Morris (DPI - Title I), Kyle Peaden (DPI - Title I), Bianca Williams-Griffin (DPI - DAE), Nicole Washington (DPI)